Gaming Posts & Articles


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North Korea Set To Release A Video Game Console

The highly secretive nation of North Korea has spent many years flaunting their military assets. As the years have passed they must have finally realised that they will never be able to conquer the west using brute military force because...
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Best Quotes from Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid is a game that has an incredibly intricate and long running story. Even those who have played ever game in the series can find themselves puzzled when playing the latest edition to the franchise. The story can...
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Fast Travel Mechanic In Gaming

Large open-world games make for a fantastic gaming experience. Players get to explore a huge world filled with side quests, random events and lots of secrets to discover. Exploring areas for the first time can be a lot of fun...
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How Trophies Can Be Added To PS2 Games

Sony have been releasing PS2 games on the PS4 store that are not HD remakes. They are simply ports with no changes made to the game at all. With nothing being changed to the source material, it begs the question...
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Activision Renews Illuminati Membership

This weekend, Activision have renewed their long term membership with the secret society. Activision have been an active, long-standing member of the dark and secret group, who have helped Activision to pull all the strings needed to destroy many game...
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Gamertag Ideas For Multiplayer Games

When you play games online, your Gamertag is not something you will pay too much attention to. That doesn't mean it is something you can forget. Every other player in an online game will see your name in lobbies and...
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Greatest Quotes From Bioshock

Bioshock is a very unique game in very many ways. The first game was met with a huge amount of praise, every bit of which it deserved. The games creator Ken Levine is credited with the story, writing and creative...
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Gamertag Ideas For Clans

Setting up a clan can be a really exciting experience in any video game. No longer having to spend time as a lone wolf or maybe its just fun to finally make your squad an official clan. Coming up with...
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Gamertags For Online Shooters

Online shooters are more popular now than ever. An area of gaming that was once exclusive to PC, is now something that people can enjoy on practically every internet enabled device. Xbox Live and PSN allow users to create profiles...
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9 Types Of Fortnite Players

The Builder Builders will never let the fact that there are 99 other players in the game that are out to kill them get in the way of their dreams. While the rest of us are out there scavenging for...