Gaming Posts


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List of PS5 Games With Adaptive Trigger Support

Gaming Posts
One of the most exciting features of the Dualsense controller on the PlayStation 5 is the addition of adaptive triggers. This piece of tech will apply a level of resistance to the L2 and R2 button so that when you...
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Easy PSVR Platinums

PSVR games tend to get ignored quite a bit when it comes to trophies. Most of the time it's due to the games not having platinums. For those that do, more often than not they have a short platinum. This...
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How Much Walking Is There In Death Stranding?

Death Stranding is getting a lot of heat for having a lot of walking. The game is pretty much a delivery simulator, but how much walking is really involved, is it as bad as everyone says or has the hype...
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Why has there not been a Blood Dragon 2?

After the dust began to settle following the release of Far Cry 5, Ubisoft have launched a new game. Far Cry New Dawn is the latest entry in the Far Cry franchise. Like many other big game franchises, this is...
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The Outer Worlds Review

Score: 8/10
The "space western" setting is one that is oddly alluring. You would think that futuristic sci-fi wouldn’t mend well with the wild west, but somehow it does. Having proven themselves with Fallout: New Vegas, there are high expectations for Obsidian’s...
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Games With Multiple Main Characters Don't Work For Me

Over the past few years, I have played a lot of large open world games. Some of which I pumped a huge amount of hours into. I really enjoy games that have detailed character options, but sometimes it goes wrong.  When...
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Fan Made Super Mario 64

Gaming Posts
I try not to get too excited over fan made remakes anymore as pretty much all of them never materialise into anything. Today was an exception as I came across something where I am as impressed by the amount of...
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My Name Is Mayo....What the Hell Is This?

Over the Christmas I was keeping an eye out for bargains during various game sales. One game I picked up was I am Mayo. Based on the images, this looked like it would be one of those derpy games like...
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Rage 2 Review

Score: 7/10
Important Note: I encountered a game-breaking bug around 12 hours into the game that prevented me from being able to progress with the main story. Although I had completed the mission, the game was unable to detect this had happened...
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Whats with all the Mario Characters in Link's Awakening?

Link’s Awakening is the latest game to be released in the Legend of Zelda franchise. This is a remake of a gameboy game from 1993, so there is a substantial change in format from what we had in Breath of...