Pokemon Game Franchise


How do I make a Pokémon let their guard down?

How do you catch a Pokémon that has its guard up when you are in the wild area in Pokémon shield an sword

How do you catch Pokémon in the water?

How are you meant to catch water Pokémon and others that are swimming in the water areas of the map?
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Pokemon Go

For a very long time, Pokemon games have stuck to a very similar formula that has served the franchise very well over the years. Pokemon Go was a major shift in direction by turning the process of catching wild Pokemon...

How do you sneak in Pokémon Shield and Sword?

How do you sneak through the tall grass in Pokémon sword and shield to avoid alerting enemies

Evolve an evolved grass type Pokemon?

Hoow do you evolve an evolved grass type pokemon? The sentence isnt making any sense to me.
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A Pokemon MMO Should Be Released For The Switch

It has been a while since I finished my obsessive run with Pokemon games on the 3DS and I am starting to miss the games a bit. I still feel the same about the games as I did when I...
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How I Fell In And Out Of Love With Pokemon Games

Last Christmas I got my first ever Pokemon game for a Nintendo handheld. It seems odd to me that I took this long considering my love for video games, but I could never afford multiple gaming systems when I was...