Pokemon Legends: Arceus Quest Guides
Double the Tails, Double the Fun Guide - Request 50
Double the Tails, Double the Fun is a side request in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. This quest will require you to find a pokemon with two tail fins and return it to the woman who wants you to find it for...
Why Wont My Pokemon Obey Me?
Early on in the game, you will be struggling to work out the best possible party to use for combat. You may find that a new Pokemon you have added to the party is refusing to obey you. What is...
How To Change Pokemon In Your Party
Catching Pokemon is what Pokemon Legends: Arceus is all about. It may be one of the first games that really push players to complete their Pokedex. Once you have filled your party with six Pokemon, all-new Pokemon will be sent...
How To Recover Lost Items When You Die
One of the more unique elements of the open-world transition for Pokemon Legends: Arceus is the fact you can now die. Wild Pokemon can attack you or you can just fall off a high ledge and end up dead. If...
How To Change Pokemon Moves
Going back as far as I can remember with Pokemon games, you have always been restricted to having four different attacks available to you at any one time. Historically, when a Pokemon learns a new move, you either have to...
The Charm Lost in the Swamp Guide - Request 40
The Charm Lost in the Swamp is a side request in Pokemon Legends: Arceus that tasks you with finding a charm that Yojiro lost while he was being chased by an alpha Hippowdon. The clue to this quest is that...
Gone Astray...In the Mirelands Guide - Request 38
Gone Astray...In the Mirelands is a side quest in Pokemon Legends: Arceus that you will be able to pick up after you have unlocked Ursaluna as a mount. You will use this mount sniffing ability to be able to seek...
Pokemon Arceus Combat Strength & Weakness Chart
When you engage in combat with other Pokemon, it is critical to know about the different strengths and weaknesses of Pokemon types. Sometimes the strength and weaknesses of a particular Pokemon can be quite easy to figure out. Water beats...
Playing With Drifloon - Request 7
Playing with Drifloon will be one of the first requests that you can pick up in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. It seems like a rather simple quest. You will pick it up from Miki of the security corps and she will...
The Mysterious Will-o-the-Wisp Guide - Request 20
The Mysterious Will-o-the-Wisp is a side quest (request 20) in Pokemon Legends: Arceus tasks you with investigating a mysterious creature that has frightened a villager as she was travelling along the Windswept run. You will need to travel here and...