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What Are Steam Vents On Walls For?

Starting in some of the earliest areas of the game, you are sure to have noticed small holes in walls that have what looks like steam shooting out of them. If you look around the area, you will notice that...
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How To Get Second Muspelheim Seed Piece

You will pick up the first part of the Muspelheim seed fairly early in the game. This will trigger a quest called the Crucible where you will be tasked with finding the second seed piece to allow you to get...

How do you destroy the yellow cracks on walls?

How do you destroy the orange glowing cracks on the walls in God of War Ragnarok

What do the bugs do?

What is with all of the bugs and creatures hanging around the game. Caves and pretty much everywhere else have these brightly colored bugs everywhere.

Spawn at the tower when you first log in?

How do you make it so you can spawn at the tower when you first log into Destiny 2?
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Where To Buy Bounties In The EDZ

The EDZ is one of the original locations in Destiny 2. The EDZ may not be as active these days due to its age but for those wanting to level up as quickly as possible and reach the max level...

There is some kind of strange aura leaking out from the cracks?

I have just come across a weird rock near some ruins that gives a message about a strange aura leaking from the cracks?

What is Seaside Hollow for?

What is the point of the Seaside Hollow cave in the cobalt coastlands? The cave has nothing inside, it is completely empty.

Is Isle Of Skye Scotland?

Is the Isle of Skye in Assassin's Creed Valhalla meant to be Scotland?
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Where To Find Charlies Minicom

As part of the questline to kill Charlie under "Condition Detachment" you will be asked to find Charlies Minicom inside his game castle. The structure is quite large and a total mess which makes it hard to locate anything inside...