Ghost of Tsushima


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Ghost of Tsushima Collectable Guide

Ghost of Tsushima is a large open-world game that is split up into three regions. There are a large number of points of interest for you to explore. There are trophies related to all of the major event types to...
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Guide To Upgrading Weapons, Armor & Gear

As you explore the Island of Tsushima, you will come across lots of resources. Things like bamboo, Iron and other similar materials. The game is pretty awesome in that it doesn't make you go through slow animations to pick things...

What is a Shoji Assassination?

How do you perform a Shoji assassination as the optional objectives during camp liberations in Ghost of Tsushima?

Does it matter what option you select at springs?

When you rest at a hot spring in Ghost of Tsushima, does it matter which option you pick for your thoughts? Will they both give the same bonus?

Where is the white smoke in the ruins of old Yarikawa?

Where do you find the white smoke in the ruins of old Yarikawa? I have been running around in the dark and I am unable to find it.

Can you return to the past region after Castle Kaneda?

Once you complete the tale for Castle Kaneda in Ghost of Tsushima, are you able to go back to the starting region of the game?

How do you observe Mongol leaders?

How are you meant to observe the Mongol leaders in Ghost of Tsushima? I have an objective now to observe one at the beach and I don't know-how.
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Ghost of Tsushima Review

Score: 6/10
Following a Mongolian invasion, you find yourself as the last Samurai of your clan and must seek vengeance. Equipped with a katana and the skills of a highly-trained warrior, the journey ahead is going to be a bloody one. Ghost...

How do you use the grapple without being in the air?

How do you attach a hook to the grapple points in Ghost of Tsushima when you are not already in the air and swinging? Can you do it while standing?
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Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost ot Tsushima is a third person, open world game based on an a Samurai living on the Japanese island of Tsushima that has been invaded by the Mongolians. The game was developed by Sucker Punch, the studio behind the...