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Circuit Board

Your first encounter with this as a crafting requirement will likely be a bit of a weird one if you have not constructed the more advanced buildings in the game. Where the hell is this supposed to come from?  Where...
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Plastic is probably going to be the first item in Forager that leaves you a little stumped. How is plastic made in the real world? Plastic is an item that you must craft in this game. You will not be...
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Oil is a very precious resource in Forager as it is the source of almost all of the complex and high tier crafting components. Items like plastic are made entirely of oil and since plastic is used in everything a...
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Jalapenos are hot red peppers that require a hot climate to grow on earth. As you might expect, Jalapenos in Forager are also found in hot regions. Once you unlock an area of the map that contains desert, Jalapenos will...
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Bone is a common crafting ingredient that you will require at some stage when you are upgrading your gear. You may find a glove upgrade requires bone before you have found the area. Before you waste time trying to dig...
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Easy Way To Earn Coins In Forager

Money makes the world go around, well it buys you land in this world. Land aint cheap either, so you are going to need very deep pockets if you want to be able to purchase all the land in this...
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Breath of the Wild Crafting Guide

Crafting has become a core component of this Zelda game and in order to survive what is a much more challenging game than before, you need to understand the games crafting system. As you explore, you will find lots of...
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Breath of The Wild Food Recipes

Food dishes are on the other side of the cooking game mechanic in Breath of the Wild when compared to Elixirs. Food dishes are typically made up If you pick up meat, mushrooms, herbs, fish, vegetables and so many...
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Breath of The Wild Recipe Buffs Guide

Depending on the ingredients you add to any recipe, you will get some sort of a buff from it. For example, using a Chilly Melon will create a food dish that grants Link a resistance to the hot desert and...

What Materials Do You Need To Craft Ammo?
