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Minecraft Treehouse Ideas

Treehouses in Minecraft are some of the most enjoyable buildings to build. The sense of building a house that is alive is really exciting. The drawback is that they are quite tricky to build. Even the most experienced house builders...
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Minecraft Beach House Ideas

Beaches are a fairly natural occurrence in Minecraft. They can look a lot warmer and more cosy depending on the biome you are in. When you find the perfect spot with an amazing view, the first thing you will want...
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Minecraft Cabin Ideas

Building a cabin in Minecraft may not seem like the most exciting of constructions to get stuck into. This may have some merit, but in the right context, building a cabin can be a visually fitting dwelling to build if...
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Awesome Minecraft House Ideas

One of the first things any gamer will do when they get started in Minecraft is to build a house. Whether you build a dirt hut or take advantage of a nearby cave, you will need something to shield you...
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Modern Minecraft House Ideas

I think the vast majority of people start building medieval buildings in Minecraft because the materials you have readily available to you at the start of the game are the core components to most medieval construction. As you progress and...
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Forager Review

Score: 7/10
Sometimes it feels like everyone is trying to jump onto the Minecraft bandwagon. Endless streams of games based on an 8-bit sandbox world. It can always be hard to pick the good from the bad. Forager certenately has some elements...
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You might find the odd Cinderbloom hidden away in the desert temple but this isn’t enough to keep you going. It sure won't be enough to fill the collection of 50 that is required in the museum. Where to Find...
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Another of the advanced components that might catch you by surprise when you are more familiar with dealing with Minecraft style elements. Fiberglass is one of the more advanced crafting components that you need to create later on in the...
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Nightbloom is the evil cousin of lavender. It grows in the exact same way but in a different location. You will come across this as a crafting component for a few items and you will more than likely be asking...
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The best friend of bees and a lovely smell, the uses for it in Forager differ slightly from the real world, but then again, how many of us harvest this stuff? Where to find Lavender Lavender can be found in...