Game Reviews


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Valley Review

Score: 8/10
The discovery of an ancient power has granted mankind the ability to control life and death. The events that lead from this highlight the constant struggle that will forever plague mankind. Do you use power for the greater good or...
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Beyond: Two Souls Review

Score: 5/10
The mind of David Cage (the creator of Beyond Two Souls) is a unique place. He is known to create some fantastic stories that tend to go completely off the rails. Beyond Two Souls is no exception to his track...
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Life is Strange: Before the Storm Review

Score: 5/10
If you have played the first Life Is Strange game, you might be interested in picking this game up. The first game had a peculiar story about a girl with the ability to rewind time. You might expect the prequel...
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Timothy vs the Aliens Review

Score: 6/10
When it comes to alien shooters, there is no shortage of them in todays market. There is a shooter for almost every type of alien invasion scenario. While Timothy Vs the Aliens fits the "aliens got yo girl" cliché, it...
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Marvel's Spider-Man Review

Score: 9/10
The Spiderman franchise is no stranger to having video game adaptations. Some have been quite popular and others, not so much. Sony teaming up with the award-winning studio Insomniac games has always been a success. How well have Insomniac done...
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Yoku's Island Express Review

Score: 7.5/10
A side scrolling, pinball platform adventure game is definitely not a genre that explodes with excitement, sure didn’t tickle my fancy anyway. While there are indeed pinball aspects to this game, it is not what it seems. This is a...
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Gone Home Review

Score: 7/10
The premise of Gone Home is that you arrive home from college to find that the house is empty. There is a slightly concerning letter on the door apologizing for this. You enter the house and must search the property...