Hardware Questions & Answers

Having trouble with your gaming setup, unsure how to do something important with your system or do you just need some advice? This section of the site is dedicated to questions related to gaming hardware and other technology related questions.

Use the search feature below to find existing questions and answers that might solve your problem. If you are unable to find anything, feel free to ask a new question and someone may be able to help you out.


I am trying to find some good games to play on the PlayStation 4 and lots of people in school are always talking about virtual games. What are they and how do you get them for the PS4?

I have a PS3 and want to get the PSVR. Can I use the headset to play VR games on the PS3?

When you play games on PS Now, are you able to unlock trophies in the same way you do when playing a regular disc or digital game on the PS4.

I’ve seen people talking about emulators for the PlayStation 2 and 3. Is there a place where I can download PlayStation roms to use with these emulators?

Is there a way to delete or reset the achievements you have unlocked with the google play games app?

I do not own a 4k TV. Is there any point in me purchasing a PS4 pro if my TV only supports 1080p?

I have a large collection of disc based games for the PS4. If I purchase a PlayStation 4 Pro, will all of these games work on it?

Is there a way to find out how many hours I have spent playing a particular game on the PS4? I know games often count but is there a system level monitor?

Does PSN from the PS3 work with the same PSN accounts on the PS4? Will I be abe to log in with my Playstation account without needing to register again?

What are some of the worst games out there for triggering motion sickness in people?