Gaming Questions & Answers


I have found the shape like the letter X, but I can't find the R. Where do you find this to unlock the next locked gate?

I am on the way to the fire guy having already defeated the crow. I got the first puzzle gate where I needed to find 2 letters, one looked like a Y and the other like a H. I did this and went to the gate that turned blue. The guy narrating said the door […]

Fortnite was launched based on it being a pay for now and would go free to play in the future. It still isnt free to play though. when is save the world being opened up?

People in the Fortnite communities often mention “Fortnite BR” in the comments. What does it mean? 

The game is already out on iOS. Why did they not release Fortnite at the same time? When do they plan in releasing it?

The PS Aim gun controller comes with farpoint but this is a VR only game. I like it but it makes me really sick when moving. Is it possible to play any PS4 games using the Aim controller without needing to play the game in VR. Sort of like house of the dead?

I’ve seen from the trophy list for the game that there are some DLC packs for Doom 2016 on the PS4. Are any of these DLC packs for the single player story mode or are they multiplayer only?

Does the Playstation store on the PS4 have a wishlist feature that allows me to keep track of the games that I am interested in purchasing?

People often drop this bottle of blue drink when they die. What does it do?

I have jumped through the demons mouth and made my way through several rooms with green teleporters. I have gone back and forth making sure I have killed everything in sight and I have. There are no enemies left to kill. I am stuck in a large room with a blue skill door. On the […]