Quest Help Questions & Answers

Questions and answers relating to missions and quests in video games.


When you first get to the forest haven in the Wind Waker and get up to the Deku Tree it will be covered in red and green chu chu jelly’s. How do you get the chu chu jelly’s off the tree?

Link is taking damage from the cold but I need to get through this area for a quest. How do you survive the cold?

I need to find the place centered amid four shrines. How do i find where this location is?

A lot of Zelda games in the past have had fishing mini-games that allow Link to take a quiet break from the madness and kick back, relax and catch some fish. There are plenty of fish to be seen in the water which makes me wonder, can you go fishing?

The fairy in Kakariko village is asking me to give her Rupees, is it worth giving them to her? What does she give you?

I can't seem to find the last cuckoo in Kakariko Village. I have looked all around and found most of them, but the last is missing.

How do you get inside Da Hanmar shrine? I found the shrine at dueling peaks and I can't find a way to get inside.

How do you make it through the desert heat without losing health?

I am going through the special research tasks as part of the quest line for mew. The latest round has asked me to catch a ditto. I have yet to come across one of these and I have caught a lot of Pokemon so far. How do you catch a ditto?

I want to get the power core inside but the main gates are locked and I am unable to get back inside.