Info Guides


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Rift Apart Challenge Mode Guide

Challenge mode in Ratchet & Clank: Rift apart is a new game mode that is unlocked once you complete the main story for the first time. It is essentially a new game plus. You keep your character progression and start...
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Complete Rift Apart Weapons Guide

Ratchet & Clank is a game franchise that is well known for having an incredible arsenal of insane weapons. Even the most humble of weapons are capable of dishing out some serious damage when you take the time to upgrade...
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Answers To Gunlodr Riddles - A feast to remember

While at the great feast, you will need to inspire the guests to get drunk by speaking with them. Gunlodr is one who refuses to drunk but if you answer her riddles, she may change her mind. Here are the...
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Building A Tunnel Drilling Machine

Exploring caves below the planet's surface in Astroneer can be a lot of fun. The deeper you go, however, research rocks, Exo research boxes and resources become more of a hassle to collect due to the long walk it takes...
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Guide To Vehicles in Astroneer

Vehicles are an exciting addition to your construction capabilities in Astroneer. They provide you with the ability to explore the planet without needing to worry about tethers. On top of this, you can load them with lots of research items...
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Ultimate Guide To Powering Your Base

Anything you want to build in Astroneer is going to come with a power requirement. Whether it is smelting resources or crafting more advanced materials to use in your printer, you will need to make sure your base has power....
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Scrap Farming Guide

Scrap is a type of resource in Astroneer that is obtained by shredding strictures and debris. It is a unique item in that it used as a type of currency that players can exchange for various natural resources at a...
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Guide To Astroneers Gateway Engine Network

The first time you decide to explore away from your base in Astroneer, you may have spotted some smoke rising from the horizon. When you investigate further, you find this strange structure that looks completely out of place with the...
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Astroneer - Atrox

Atrox is a planet in Astroneer that is considered the most difficult of all of them in the game. There are a large number of deadly plants on this planet to look out for. Despite the toxic appearance, the planet...
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Astroneer - Glacio

Glacio is a planet in Astroneer. It is an ice planet and is one of the more difficult ones to survive on due to the more harsh terrain and more limited supplies. The landscape is icy and cold with minimal...