Hogwarts Legacy Game Guides


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How To Unlock Animal Number Puzzle Doors

These are rather unusual doors that are quite common around Hogwarts. I think the official name for them are arithmancy rooms or arithmancy doors, as this is the class that this is based around. These are doors that have a...
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How To Wait Until Night or Day

One of the nice features of Hogwarts Legacy is the fact the game has a Day/Night cycle where you can explore the castle and the grounds when it is dark or sunny. There are several reasons why you might want...
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How to Get Mallowsweet Leaves

Once you progress far enough with the main quest line in Hogwarts Legacy, you will come across something called a Merlin Trial. These are stone circles on the ground that when activated will give you some form of challenge to...
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Aqueduct Courtyard Bridge Puzzle

If you are crossing the aqueduct courtyard bridge you may notice that there are four braziers, two on each side of the bridge. If you light the braziers with a fire spell, you will find that they can be rotated...
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How To Pick Locked Doors

As you begin to explore Hogwarts Castle in the early stages of the game, you will notice there are lots of large padlocks on many of the doors. They are highlighted blue when you get close. It is not possible...
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How To Get a Broom

One of the greatest parts of being a witch or wizard in the magic world is your ability to fly a broomstick. Hogwarts Legacy gives players the ability to fly a broomstick wherever you like across the grounds of Hogwarts...
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How to Change The Appearance Of Any Gear

One of the cooler elements of Hogwarts Legacy is your ability to equip a massive range of different gear and items. These items all have different attributes to increase your offensive and defensive abilities. As you progress through the game,...
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How To Change The Color of An Item

When you are working with Professor Weasley to learn more about the altering spells in Hogwarts Legacy, you will get to a point where you are using these spells to decorate and redecorate a room. One of the tasks she...
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How To Unlock The Eyeball Chests

There are lots of different chest types hidden around Hogwarts. They come in all shapes and sizes and vary in how difficult they are to unlock. One of the most unique quests is these large white chests that contain a...
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How To Unlock Picture Frame In Cache in the Castle?

After following the clues past the rhino skeleton, heading out through the yard, and past the fountain, you will make your way up some stairs and be standing in front of a picture frame that is the final clue to...