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Are Too Many HD Remakes Getting Released?

Last weekend I decided to pick up a few new games as I had nothing to play (bit like a woman saying she has nothing to wear).  As I was looking through the games on the shelf I started to...
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Bad PR Killing Nintendo's Console Division

Even though the Wii was a massive success for Nintendo, it is no secret that their console division is in a bad place. With almost all 3rd party support dropped for the Wii U, there is very little software support for the...
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Is It Time For A Zelda Game To Have Voice Acting

After recently beating Windwaker HD, I have now started playing Twilight Princess HD. The experience, of course, is very much enjoyable, but I can't help but feel the game is lacking something. As a long time fan of the series,...
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Why Havnt Nintendo Released A 3DS Emulator For The Wii U?

There was a time when Nintendo were inventing all of these amazing addons for their hardware that pretty much meant we could play our games wherever we wanted. The gamecube was the most recent console that had an addon that...
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Could The Next Xbox Be A Windows Steam Box?

Over the past few months, Microsoft have been taking a lot of steps to try and push their PC gaming store as a direct competition to Valves Steam platform. This move has angered some gamers and is quite an unusual, but not...
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Would a GTA Game Save The Vita?

Despite the massive popularity of the Playstation Vita in Japan, the Vita hasn't had a particularly successful lifespan so far. In the west, the Vita has been overshadowed considerably by Nintendo handhelds and smartphone gaming. The poor performance could be caused...
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Has Doom Really Changed That Much?

I have been reading a lot of articles giving out about how Doom has completely changed and it doesn't have the same levels of fear and horror that it had in the past. This may be true for some people,...
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Cabela's African Adventures Set To Be The Worst Selling Game Of The Year

Cabela's African Adventures is a hunting game based in Africa that allows you to shoot majestic animals in their natural habitat. After looking at the trailer, it doesn't really look like the game was going to do all that well...
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Developers Keep Remaking Classic Shooters Wrong

Over the past few years we have seen some classic shooters revived as modern day first person shooters. Games like Duke Nukem, Doom and Wolfenstein were all fantastic games when they were first released. It comes as a surprise to...
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Classic Games That Should Be Remastered

HD remakes have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Developers have been remastering popular PS2/Xbox games and releasing them on the modern consoles. Overall this has been quite successful. Grim fandango is one of the first games to...