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Bugs Didn't Kill Cyberpunk, The Game Just Isn't That Good!

Cyberpunk 2077 will go down as being one of the worst video game launches of all time. A game that had an army of gamers desperately waiting to play, launched unfinished. A plague of bugs disrupted almost every aspect of...
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Thoughts On A Talos Principle Spin Off

I have had The Talos Principle on my radar for a while, but I took my sweet ass time to eventually buy it. I guess I felt it would never live up to Portal 2 and wasn't going to be...
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Is Fallout 1st Worth It?

Fallout 1st is a supplementary online subscription that will grant Fallout 76 players some additional in-game benefits that standard players do not receive. This would be a less than common subscription model for a game like this where the barrier...
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Micro Transactions Are Killing DLC

A recent post over on Gamespot revealed that GTA online has made over half a billion dollars. This is one of the most financially successful online games to have ever been created and it more than deserves it, but is...
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Is It Time To Give Duke Nukem Another Try?

I would consider Duke Nukem to be a bit of a troubled franchise. It released back in a day when first-person shooters were in their infancy and it left a massive legacy. This legacy has done more harm than good...
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Bioshock Burial At Sea Was Not Rapture

Similar to the experience I had with the DLC for past Bioshock games, I owned Bioshock Infinite, but never got around to buying the DLC for this game. Out of all the games in the Bioshock Collection, the Burial at...
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Has Doom Really Changed That Much?

I have been reading a lot of articles giving out about how Doom has completely changed and it doesn't have the same levels of fear and horror that it had in the past. This may be true for some people,...
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And The Hardest Trophy Of The Year Award Goes To....

Over the last year, I have found myself getting a lot less interested in getting the platinum trophy for a game. I think this is mostly because I no longer have the time to get the platinum In these games...