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Take a Break From Stories to Blow Things Up

Gaming News
The 1990s produced a very unique style of FPS. Minecraft has brought a resurgence in popularity of 8-bit, but the low res style of 90s shooters has been left untouched. An upcoming arena shooter called Demon Pit is looking like...
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The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors Review

Score: 7/10
The Ninja Saviors is a remake of a 90s beat em up from the SNES called Ninja Warriors. We can only assume a trademark conflict with the TV series was the reason behind the game getting renamed. You might think...
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What the soldiers in Wolfenstein are saying

Back in the early days of 3D gaming, voice acting was a very rare occurrence. When you had to fit a game on a 1.44mb floppy disk, you didn't have much room for high quality audio recordings. When non MIDI...
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Is It Time To Give Duke Nukem Another Try?

I would consider Duke Nukem to be a bit of a troubled franchise. It released back in a day when first-person shooters were in their infancy and it left a massive legacy. This legacy has done more harm than good...