platinum trophy
Maquette Full Game Walkthrough
Maquette is a rather unique puzzle game that will ask the player to rethink how they typically treat world boundaries and how you use items…
Sound Shapes
Play, Compose and Share in a unique take on the classic side-scrolling platformer where your actions make the music. Equal parts instrument and game, Sound Shapes gives everyone the ability to make music. Play through a unique campaign that fuses music and artwork into a classic 2D platformer, featuring artwork by Pixeljam, Capy, Superbrothers and more, with music by I Am Robot and Proud, Jim Guthrie and Deadmau5. Create your…
Maquette is a first-person recursive puzzle game that takes you into a world where every building, plant, and object are simultaneously tiny and staggeringly huge. By simply changing the perspective at which you view the object, you can navigate your way through some incredibly creative puzzles that will make you put your mind to work.
Maquette Full Game Walkthrough
Maquette is a rather unique puzzle game that will ask the player to rethink how they typically treat world boundaries and how you use items to solve puzzles. The game is rather short and is generally made longer due to...
Hit 150 Platinum Trophies
My trophy hunting took a massive hit last year when the Nintendo Switch came along. Breath of the Wild consumed me on the Wii U and then I bought it again on the Switch. So I suppose I should really...
Is Ratalaika Games Hurting Trophy hunting?
Within the trophy hunting community, Ratalaika games has become quite well known. Not because they release fantastic games but because all the games they release have piss easy platinum trophies. Generally they are cross platform with separate lists which let...
Easy PS4 Platinums 30+ Games
Why do we hunt for trophies? Who knows! Once you get hooked all you want are more. The system is not entirely balanced though. Some games take 1000+ hours and others take 15 minutes. For those looking for some easy...
Easy PSVR Platinums
PSVR games tend to get ignored quite a bit when it comes to trophies. Most of the time it's due to the games not having platinums. For those that do, more often than not they have a short platinum. This...
Easy Cross Buy Platinums (Vita and PS4)
Cross buy platinums are highly sought after in the trophy hunting community. Buy a game on the PS4 and you also get the game on the Vita. One thing to know is that just because a game is on the...
15 Games With a Double Platinum ( Vita & PS4)
A double platinum is a gem in the trophy hunting community. What it normally means is that a game that was released on the PS4 and the Vita have separate trophy lists. Meaning you can get the platinum trophy twice....
12 PS4 Games You Can Platinum In An Hour
If you are looking to get some quick platinum trophies then this list is going to help you out a lot. No need to worry about spending 100s of hours, for these games you can get the platinum in an...
Sony Need To Update The PlayStation Trophy System
I have been spending time thinking back on all the trophy whoring I did over the years and how bad I actually got at some stages. When the trophy feature first launched for the PS3, it made the Xbox achievement...