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Gaming Dragon Boss Name Generator

A tool that can generate dragon name ideas suitable for your next boss battle. This application is perfect for gaming and fantasy themes. Whether you are a novice or a veteran, coming up with names for boss battles, particularly dragons...
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Skyrim Dragon Name Generator

Dragons are one of the most popular mythical creatures in video games. It's no wonder, with all of their amazing colours and massive size, that these creatures catch the imagination. They also happen to be really hard to defeat in...
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Gaming Demon Boss Name Generator

The name generator could be used for the antagonist of a video game to have an enemy with a name that sounds demonic and evil. For example, if you were making a video game about an aspiring athlete, and they...

What Are The Golden Tentacle Creatures For?

What are the golden tentacle creatures that run away from you when you enter a room and burrow into the floor?
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Japanese Demon Name Generator

Japan is home to some of the best horror creations of all time. While often featured in movies, Japanese demons are very common in the JRPG video game genre. For those wanting to create a story based in this Asian...
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Biblical Demon Name Generator

Heaven and hell are core components of Christianity. The everlasting fight between good and evil. Hell has its share of demons and in fiction, religious-based evil can be some of the scariest. If you are working on a story this...

How do you "make friends" with a deathclaw?

On the flavours of Nathan quest, how are you supposed to make friends with a deathclaw?
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Ice Dragon Name Generator

The vast majority of fantasy settings will show off fire breathing dragons. For universes that stick to the logic that dragons are creatures of magic, the fire they breath doesn't need to make sense, since its magic. This brings us...
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Gamertag Ideas For Doom

Gaming Posts
Doom is one of the godfathers of modern gaming. It was one of the first games to bring the First Person Shooter genre to the masses and has become an incredibly popular franchise. If you are a huge fan and...
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The Monster Cans In Death Stranding Are Ridiculous

Sponsorships and product placement are fairly common these days and for the most part, it isnt a big deal. If Ford want to pay money to have their vehicles used in a movie, who cares? If Sony way to use...