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People at old city market wont talk to me??
[Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One] - How do I make people at the old city marketplace speak with me when I need to get a job at the dig site for the ivory baths? View Answer

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Make Over 5000G Using Water

Make Over 5000G Using Water

As part of the Rookie Merchant mission in Craftopia, you will come across a quest that required you to "Make over 5000G using water". By…
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Craftopia Box Art


Craftopia is an incredibly vast open-world sandbox experience where you start out trying to survive and build a settlement in the stone age. As you work advance with your farming, fishing, hunting and combat, you can advance through the ages, until you reach the industrial age where you can begin to automate all aspects of life.  
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One Box Art

Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One

Before he was the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes was a brilliant rebel itching to prove himself. When an old wound compels him back to the Mediterranean shore where his mother died, it seems like the perfect opportunity to do just that—but beneath the vibrant urban veneer of the island, the rhythm of island life strikes a more ominous beat. Crime and corruption, a twisted sense of justice and morality...…


People at old city market wont talk to me??

How do I make people at the old city marketplace speak with me when I need to get a job at the dig site for the ivory baths?
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Make Over 5000G Using Water

As part of the Rookie Merchant mission in Craftopia, you will come across a quest that required you to "Make over 5000G using water". By the time you obtain your first glass of water, you will begin to understand that...