Hogwarts Legacy


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How To Unlock The Eyeball Chests

There are lots of different chest types hidden around Hogwarts. They come in all shapes and sizes and vary in how difficult they are to unlock. One of the most unique quests is these large white chests that contain a...
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How To Unlock Picture Frame In Cache in the Castle?

After following the clues past the rhino skeleton, heading out through the yard, and past the fountain, you will make your way up some stairs and be standing in front of a picture frame that is the final clue to...

How Do I Knock Down The Gobstones?

How do you knock down the gobstones that are in the high places around the castle in Hogwarts Legacy?
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Unlocking The Creature Door In The Astronomy Wing

When you start to explore the astronomy wing in Hogwarts Legacy, you are sure to come across a rather unique door. The door frame is surrounded by an arch of unusual looking creatures and animals. You can reveal the black...

Whispering Sound inside The Old Fool?

What is causing the whispering sound inside the old fool building at Hogsmeade in Hogwarts Legacy. IS there something hidden?

Can you change your appearance after starting a new game?

Is there a way to change the way that your character looks after you start the game, I want to start again but not lose progress
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Solving Black Moth / Butterfly Picture Frames

As you first start exploring the castle of Hogwarts, you are sure to come across these unusual picture frames that have a dark black picture with a thick frame that has several butterflies or moths around them. These are moth...

Can't access floating page in the quad?

There was a dragon lantern in the quad. After setting it alight, I'm unable to access the page

Is There anywhere inside Hogwarts To Sell Items?

Is there anywhere within Hogwarts castle that I can use to sell unwanted pieces of gear and other unwanted items instead of having to go to Hogsmeade?

Can't Find Fifth Flying Book In Library

I can't find the final book flying around the library, anyone know where the missing one is?