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Astroneer - Malachite

Malachite is a planet specific resource that you won't realise until you travel away from the planet you start on. It is quite common in the rocky areas of the starting planet, making it fairly easy to obtain. Malachite is...
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Astroneer - Sphalerite

Sphalerite is another one of those natural resources in Astroneer that sounds made up but in fact, it is actually an ore that exists in the real world and is used as a source of Zinc in real life as...
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Astroneer - Astronium

Bet you are wondering what this resource is all about? Astronium is actually found on all planets in Astroneer but it is very rare. You will need to dig deep into the ground, getting close to the planet's core in...
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Astroneer - Lithium

With the modern world of technology, we all know that lithium is the material that goes into making batteries better. At least for the next few years until Elon Musk creates something better. Lithium is also used for the production...
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Astroneer - Titanite

Sounds made up for the game but this is actually a real resource. The name also makes it quite obvious as to what the resource is used for in the game. When you collect Titanite in Astroneer, you can smelt...
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Astroneer - Graphite

Graphite is an uncommon resource in Astroneer. It can be found on all planets and is quite rare on them all. It is often found when you are searching for malachite for crafting copper. The material is a dark gray/black...
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Astroneer - Ammonium

Ammonium is a natural resource that can be found on every planet in the game. This is a good thing as if you ever find yourself stranded on a planet, ammonium will save your life as it allows you to...
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Astroneer - Laterite

Laterite is a resource that most people will never have heard of before and it will come as a surprise that it is used to produce aluminium. You will find Laterite in the caves of all planets in the game,...
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Astroneer - Hematite

Hematite is a natural resource that is only found on two planets in the game. It appears as a dark red crystal with spikes. As with other natural resources that are based on metals, it does not have a use...
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Astroneer - Clay

Clay is a resource that may seem useless at first but when you need it, it is one of those resources that you can never seem to find. Clay spawns naturally on some planets. It is usually in smaller batches....