

How many trailers can be connected to the large rover?

what is the max number of trailers that can be attached to the back of a large rover in astroneer?

I am stuck without fuel on another planet, help!

My rocket has run out of fuel on another planet, how am I supposed to get back home?

What's the best way to power your base?

I am having trouble with power generation. Can someone give me some tips on the best way to generate power for your base in Astroneer?

How much power do gateway chambers need?

Whats the best way to gather up as much debris as possible in the most efficient way that reduces the number of trips back to the home base.

How do you connect to the gateway chambers?

What are the connectors on the gateway chamber used for?
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Astroneer Planet Wiki

When you start a new game in Astroneer, you will land on the planet Sylva. A peaceful planet with plenty of resources you need to get started, very little to kill you and a landscape that is easy to navigate....
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Astroneer - Atrox

Atrox is a planet in Astroneer that is considered the most difficult of all of them in the game. There are a large number of deadly plants on this planet to look out for. Despite the toxic appearance, the planet...
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Astroneer - Glacio

Glacio is a planet in Astroneer. It is an ice planet and is one of the more difficult ones to survive on due to the more harsh terrain and more limited supplies. The landscape is icy and cold with minimal...
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Astroneer - Novus

Novis is a moon in Astroneer that rotates around Vesania. While the planet is classified as being an exotic moon, it does not share many similarities with the exotic planet that it orbits. Novus is quite rocky and rough but...
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Astroneer - Vesania

Vesania is an exotic planet in Astroneer. The landscape feels like a 1960s vision of space with strange and unusual flora and fauna. The terrain is quite difficult to navigate with lots of steep rock edges and pits. Even with...