Video Games Questions & Answers

Video game questions and answers. Get help with a game you are stuck with or find some answers to questions others have asked already. Freqently asked gaming questions will help you get through a game you are stuck on.


Normally I find them roaming around nearby but he has vanished now. Is there a way that I can summon the chocobo to come back to me?

I am stuck with a message telling me to punish timmy but It doesnt recognize when I do it. The quest wont stop now no matter what i do

I never seem to be able to craft anything without running out of some basic components, where are some good places that I can stock up on junk?

I have setup the arena, have a red and blue platform built and you have assigned 2 people to be the fighters, but nothing is happening? Is there something else that you need to do to get them to fight?

I need to get people in the settlement to watch an arena fight for the trophy. They aren't doing this on their own.

As part of the Children of Atom quest line in the Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4, you will need to drink some funny water and then take a hallucination filled stroll to the Children of Atom shrine. Once you get to the shrine there will be a console that cannot be hacked. In order […]

Patch 1.5 is bringing mods to Fallout 4. If i install a bunch of mods, will trophies be disabled?

During the character creator at the start you can pick between the genders, is there any reason to pick one over the other? Does a male character have any traits or perks a woman has or vice versa?

I have the modified FEV virus that I can place into the water supply. I am guessing I will get a lot of negative karma for doing this, but I am still interested in knowing what the outcome is. In terms of game experience, which one is best. Should I infect the water supply or […]

I have a couple of the Brotherhood Holotags in my inventory and I’m not sure what I am meant to be doing with them. Are they just a pointless collectible or can I do something quest related with them to get a reward?