Fantasy Name Generators

Are we missing a name generator that you would like to see added to this list? Please get in touch with your suggestion and we will see if it is something that we can get added to the database. Please complete this name generator suggestion form.


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Japanese God Name Generator

Japanese God Name Generator, is a tool that can help you discover unique and mythical names inspired by Japanese culture and mythology. Japan has a rich history of gods and goddesses, demons and spirits, and our generator draws on this...
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Witch Name Generator

Are you looking for a unique and mystical name for your witch character? Look no further! The Witch Name Generator is an online tool that generates random and creative names perfect for your witch character. This tool uses a sophisticated...
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Hogwarts Legacy Witch & Wizard Name Generator

Hogwarts Legacy is one of the biggest games to release set in the Harry Potter universe. Players will be able to fill the shoes of a student attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. One of the coolest parts is...
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Skull and Bones Ship Name Generator

What pirate adventure would be complete without a ship to command? Once you get your treasure plundering hands in a ship, you are naturally going to want to give it a name but what name will you go with? Coming...
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Guild Name Generator

Creating an unforgettable and unusual guild name is essential for any avid gamer or role-playing enthusiast. A great guild name sets the tone for your group's adventures and fosters camaraderie among its members. That's where this versatile Guild name generator...
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Dragon Clan Name Generator

The inclusion of dragons in the fantasy world is often split between dragons being creatures of high intelligence and being ferocious brutes that kill everything they find. Dragon clan names can also vary depending on whether it is a clan...
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Royal Last Name Generator

Welcome to our unique and ingenious Royal last name generator! We understand the pivotal role a name plays, whether it's for a book character, a game avatar, or a role-playing scenario. Selecting the perfect name can encapsulate the essence of...
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Khajiit Tribe Name Generator

Khajiits are the ultimate stealth warrior race of creatures from the Elder Scrolls franchise. Although they appear quite human-like in their demeanour, they still possess all of the fantastic traits of agility and stealth that go hand in hand with...
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Angel Name Generator

Welcome to our Angel Name Generator, the ultimate destination for creating the perfect angelic names for any purpose. Whether you are a writer seeking inspiration, a role player in need of an intriguing character name, or simply someone who loves...
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Fallen Angel Name Generator

Fallen angels are angels from heaven who defied got and were cast out of heaven. They are often depicted as a darker colour when compared to their angelic counterparts who have gleaming white plumage. This fallen angel name generator will...