Xbox One


Where is the builders paint for the big finish quest?

Where is the builders paint needed for the final rune in the tower at Asgard?
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Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Assassin's creed Valhalla is the first game in the franchise to be based on Norse mythology. The game takes place in England where you battle to earn your place in this new land. Pillaging and killing is the Viking way...

How are you meant to solve the cats footfall riddle?

How are you meant to solve the cats footfall riddle for the quest in asgard?

Illuminate the path into Alfheimr help?

How do you illuminate the path into Alfheimr? A blind man is asking me to help

How to break wall under waterfall at ravensthorpe

How do you break the wall underneath the waterfall at ravensthorpe?

Leave with Bjorn but he isn't moving

I have killed the leader and I now have to leave with Bjorn but he isn't moving

I can't find nightshade anywhere!

Where can you find nightshade, what graveyards can it be found growing in?

Book of knowledge at Ely monastery?

Where is the book of knowledge at Ely monastery? It seems to be below the courtyard but I can't find it.

How do you exit the cave at the well of urd?

I am stuck at the well of urd in Asgard. How do you exit the cave after completing the task here.

Blind guy looking for Alfheim following me?

The blind guy looking for Alfheim keeps following me but there is no quest objective. Is this a glitch?