How do you make Lockne Change her mind?


I have arrived at mountain knot city and the woman there called Lockne is telling me that she doesn’t want to connect to the network. The quest objective now is to make Lockne change her mind. How am I meant to do this? I have been driving around for a while hoping to get a call from someone or trigger a conversation at one of the other cities? I am starting to run around in circles now and I am not getting anywhere with it. What are you supposed to do in this quest. How do you find a way to change locknes mind?

How do you make Lockne Change her mind
Death Stranding

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1 Answer

SteveSickle89 -

This is a bit of a tricky one of you haven’t been paying much attention to the social stuff. If you check your emails, you will have one that explains what to do. The important emails will me marked yellow making then easier to spot. The one for this quest should be near the top. It will be fairly obvious once you are told but it is one of those puzzles that is quite hard to figure out when you do not know what to look for. Check out the video below and it will show you what you need to know about making Lockne change her mind about letting you into mountain knot city.

In the event that the video is slow to load or you are on mobile. Here is a copy of the email that you will receive from someone important in the story of Death Stranding. This is all you need to know about solving this puzzle.

find a way to change locknes mind

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