PlayStation 4


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Finding The Barkos Key Stash

This area of the city will be one of the first large areas you get to explore. You will get here shortly after getting to the locked fedra gate. If you are hungry for mystery, you will likely be exploring...
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Locked Room Supply Stash Guide

As you make your way through The Last Of Us Part 2, you will often find abandoned buildings and other areas that contain a stash of weapons and supplies. These will often be easy enough to locate, but difficult to...
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How To Access The Supermarket

While out on patrol with Dina, you will come across a moose that has been killed. You will head inside a supermarket to kill off any infected that have made their way into this area. The supermarket has quite a...
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Remapping Last of Us Part 2 Controls

The control scheme in Last of Us Part 2 takes a bit of getting used to from the default settings. R2 to reload, L1 to sprint and dodge. Even after some time, when put under pressure, you might find yourself...

Stuck In The Garden Center

After the scar ambush, I am stuck in the garden centre at the hardware store. How do I get out of this place?

Why am I not finding coins?

I have played through a lot of this game and I have not found any of the coin collectables for the trophy. How do you get them?

Does Last of Us Part 2 have New Game+?

Are you able to replay the game a second time using a NG+ game mode?

Is There A Cut Scene After The Credits?

Is there any secret cut scene at the end of the game after the credits finish rolling or can you quit out?

Is There A Way To See What Encounter You Are On?

How do you see what encounter and chapter you are currently on while in game in the Last of Us Part 2?
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Last Of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part 2 is the sequel to the original game that takes place 5 years after the events of the first. Joel and Ellie have made their way to Jackson, the paradise amid the chaos. Although they...