Video Game Guides


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Where To Buy Bounties In The EDZ

The EDZ is one of the original locations in Destiny 2. The EDZ may not be as active these days due to its age but for those wanting to level up as quickly as possible and reach the max level...
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Cryptic Quatrains 2 Quest Guide

Cryptic Quatrains 2 is the second quest in the Cryptic Quatrains series of quests that come as part of the Season 18 star chart in Destiny 2. Once you pick up the quest, you will be presented with a series...
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Cryptic Quatrains 1 Quest Guide

Cryptic Quatrains is a side quest in Destiny 2 that is part of the Season of Plunder. The quest will be presented as a riddle and does not give you a clear objective on what you need to do. You...
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Incorrect Rune Chosen Trial Begins Again

As part of the main story quest through the throne world in Destiny 2, you will reach an area where you are presented with a series of runes with objective markers above each but no instructions on how to solve...
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How Gear Stats Work In Destiny 2

One of the biggest mistakes people can make when playing Destiny 2 (something I am guilty of myself) is focussing far too heavily on getting gear with a higher light score and worse yet, discarding gear simply because the light...
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Best Gear Stats For Warlocks

Warlocks are a character class in Destiny 2 that can become incredibly powerful when they are equipped with the right gear and build perks. The biggest challenge many people will have is finding out which are the best stats to...
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Best Gear Stats For Titans

The Titan character class in Destiny 2 is a tank-style class that allows players to both deal and take large amounts of damage, if you have the right spec of course. When it comes to building a titan, you will...
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Best Gear Stats For Hunters

Many players focus very heavily on ensuring their gear has the best light level and in the process, they will likely think a piece of gear is better, simply because the light level is higher, which is often a big...
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How To Unlock The Hotel Safe

As you make your way through downtown Pittsburgh, you will come across a flooded street that you must help Ellie get through since she can't swim. You will find yourself crossing a truck and end up in a rather fancy...
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How To Increase Light Level Quickly

Light level was once considered an end game system, back in the day when Destiny required you to get to level 30 before light level was even something you had to contend with. Fast forward to today and light level...