Video Game Guides


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Find A Way To Open Gate At Theatre

You will get a quest objective at the theatre to "Find a way to open the gate" as part of the quest "Ascending the gallows stage". You will be in a long room with various ballerinas standing on podiums and...
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Beginners Guide To Combat In Atomic Heart

Combat in Atomic Heart can be quite difficult at times. Enemies respawn incredibly fast, sometimes making it hard to escape the area you are in due to the infinite supply of robots. Ammo supply and a limited carry capacity are...
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How Lock Picking Works In Atomic Heart

Lockpicking in Atomic Heart is not the most intuitive mechanic in the game, or in video games in general. I spent quite a while messing up and trying my best to work this mechanic out until it finally clicked. This...
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How To Enter The Facility (A Glass Darkly)

After completing a rather challenging boss battle in a park, you will find yourself outside a large facility with the goal to get inside. The game will give you a bit of a prompt, explaining that light is needed to...
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Three Motherland Items - Made in USSR

During the quest "Made In USSR" in Atomic Heart, you will speak to a robot at the reception area and she will ask you to obtain three motherland items from the surrounding area. Once you get them all the quest...
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What to do with Animals in An Overgrown Park

When searching for the canister from the Pesticide workshop, you will come across a computer terminal that has pictures of a bunch of animals on it. Some of the animals squares are red and others are green. The game does...
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How To Get Past The Bouncing Missiles

As you work your way through the weird and wild story from Atomic heart, you will end up in a sort of dreamland where it looks like a frozen war zone. As you work your way down the main path,...
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Stuck In Skeleton Room In The Shadow of Time

After following the rather dark line of Slytherin's quests with Sebastian, you will get a quest called "In The Shadow of Time". The quest will send you to some catacombs in search of a relic. You will eventually get to...
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How To Damage Cassandra Mason With White Shield

After completing one of the most enjoyable side quests in Hogwarts Legacy, you will need to return to Cassandra Mason and confront her about what she has done. This will trigger a boss battle in some close quarters. She will...
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Library Intermediate Transfiguration Field Guide Page

Professor Weasley will give you an assignment where she will ask you to obtain a field guide page from the Intermediate Transfiguration book in the library. The library in Hogwarts castle is quite large so finding the book is a...