power consumption
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For those thinking of doing something they are unsure about, maybe a repair for an out of warranty product. Here are some useful hardware guides related to the power consumption.
PSVR Power Consumption
Today I decided to measure the PSVR power consumption level. Since it has it's own power supply, I had wondered what the wattage was and…
Xbox One S Power Consumption
The Xbox One S was the first major revision of the Xbox One console and came with a lot of changes. Apart from the fact…
PlayStation 3 Slim Power Consumption
The original Phat PS3 was an absolute tank in many ways. Power consumption was one of them. The thing produced more heat than an actual…
PS3 Super Slim Power Consumption
Hardware revisions are very common with video game consoles. The PlayStation was quite unique in that it had 3 hardware revision. This post is about…
Xbox Series X Power Consumption
The Xbox Series X, at the time of launch, is the most powerful home console on the market. Does all of this additional power come…
PlayStation 5 Power Consumption
In terms of physical size, the PlayStation 5 is one of the biggest game consoles we have seen. Its unusual shape might hide this, but…
PlayStation 5 Power Consumption
In terms of physical size, the PlayStation 5 is one of the biggest game consoles we have seen. Its unusual shape might hide this, but the system is pretty damn big! The system also packs a punch in terms of...
Xbox Series X Power Consumption
The Xbox Series X, at the time of launch, is the most powerful home console on the market. Does all of this additional power come with increased consumption of power? Check out the readings below to find out the Xbox...
PS3 Super Slim Power Consumption
Hardware revisions are very common with video game consoles. The PlayStation was quite unique in that it had 3 hardware revision. This post is about the third and final revision which is often referred to as the super slim. Read...
PlayStation 3 Slim Power Consumption
The original Phat PS3 was an absolute tank in many ways. Power consumption was one of them. The thing produced more heat than an actual heater. The PS3 slim was launched with a better design that fixed the Phat systems...
Xbox One S Power Consumption
The Xbox One S was the first major revision of the Xbox One console and came with a lot of changes. Apart from the fact that it was considerably smaller, It was also a lot more energy efficient. In fact,...
Game System Power Consumption
In a world of ever growing concern over our carbon footprint, we need to ensure that everything we do is energy efficient. Gaming is no exception to this. Knowing how much power your gaming systems produce is key in helping...
PSVR Power Consumption
Today I decided to measure the PSVR power consumption level. Since it has it's own power supply, I had wondered what the wattage was and how much power it would add onto the already high amount of power the PS4...
Power Consumption of The Nintendo Switch
I was recently wondering how the Nintendo Switch can manage to play games so well on the go. How is the battery even able to last as long as it does. Since my last post on measuring the power consumption...
Measuring The Power Consumption Of The PS4 Pro
I recently purchased a wattage meter that would allow me to measure how much power electronic devices were using. I have spent the past week measuring every stupid thing in my home to see what consumes the most power (currently...