God of War Ragnarök


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God of War Ragnarok Beginners Guide

Starting out in God of War Ragnarok can be a little difficult, even when you are not playing on the harder difficulty levels. There is quite a lot to learn about how combat works. The traditional methods of heavy button...
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Should You Sell Artifacts

If you are fond of exploring the different realms in God of war Ragnarok, you will eventually find some artefacts. These may get you quite excited due to the purple marker on the ground only to find it is nothing...
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How To Get Dwarven Steel

Dwarven Steel is going to be the first metal that you are in short supply of. You may get just enough to bypass any major hunting that you are definitely going to need to do when you start needing Asgardian...
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Lost Treasury Nornir Chest Guide

The lost treasure is a pretty cool area in the game that has more than a few different treasures and items for you to uncover. The first one of which is going to be the Nornir chest that is sitting...
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Musphelheim Nornir Chest Guide

‪Musphelheim has two Nornir chests but only one of them can be opened using runes. If you are looking at the Nornir chest in the crucible area, this chest is unlocked by completing all 6 of the crucible challenges. Once...
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Eastern Barri Woods Nornir Chest Guide

Most of the Nornir chests in God of War Ragnarok are quite easy to find. They are out in the open and the challenge with them is finding the three runes. The Nornir chest in the Eastern Barri woods is...
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The Watchtower Chimnea Nornir Chest Guide

If you decide not to go ahead with the main story when you are taking the boat to Durlin's office, you will likely head off and take part in the side quest for the slag chimneys in the surrounding lake....
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Dragon Beach Nornir Chest Guide

The Nornir chest on Dragon Beach is going to be one that has you stumped. Two of the three runes are quite easy to find if you search around the area but the third one appears to be missing. Where...
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How To Use The Gongs

As you are exploring the nine realms in God of war Ragnarok, you will often notice what appear to be gongs. They are a faded green colour, like rusted copper. When you get up close to them, however, you will...
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What Are Steam Vents On Walls For?

Starting in some of the earliest areas of the game, you are sure to have noticed small holes in walls that have what looks like steam shooting out of them. If you look around the area, you will notice that...