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What Decisions To Make In The Doom That Came to Roseway

The Doom That Came to Roseway is a side quest in The Outer Worlds that presents the player with a series of morally challenging decisions involving the fate of the research outpost Roseway and its inhabitants. Here's a detailed explanation...
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Confronting Elijah About Isaac's Murder Or Not Stainless Steel Rat?

"The Stainless Steel Rat" is a side quest in The Outer Worlds that involves investigating a murder in Stellar Bay and deciding how to handle the situation. Here's a detailed explanation of the quest, its pivotal decision points, and its...
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Giving Research Data To Vaughn or Gladys In The Amateur Alchemist

The Amateur Alchemist is a side quest in The Outer Worlds that revolves around helping a scientist named Vaughn with his research. Here's a detailed explanation of the quest, its pivotal decision points, and its potential outcomes and rewards. The...
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What Is The Outcome Of a Successful Date With Junlei in Don't Bite the Sun

"Don't Bite the Sun" is a companion quest in The Outer Worlds that revolves around helping Parvati, a crew member of the Unreliable, in her personal journey of self-discovery and her relationship with Junlei Tennyson, the chief engineer of the...
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Should You Keep Braxton's Secret In The Secret People

"The Secret People" is a side quest in The Outer Worlds that involves investigating the disappearance of Braxton, an employee who has not shown up for work in a few days. Here's a detailed explanation of the quest, its pivotal...
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Should You Help Ellie Confront Her Parents In The Low Crusade?

"The Low Crusade" is a companion quest in The Outer Worlds that involves helping Ellie, a member of the player's crew, deal with her parents in Byzantium. Here's a detailed explanation of the quest, its pivotal decision points, and its...
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Should I Kill Olivia Or Not In Order of Mysteries?

"The Order of Mysteries" is a faction questline in Fallout 76 that revolves around a secretive group of female assassins known as the Order of Mysteries. The questline begins when the player finds the body of a woman wearing a...
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Should I Handle the Situation With or Without Travis in Confidence Man?

In Fallout 4, "Confidence Man" is a side quest that begins when the player overhears an argument between Vadim Bobrov and his brother, Yefim, at the Dugout Inn in Diamond City. Vadim is concerned about the low self-esteem of Travis...
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Should You Side With Paul Or Cooke In Diamond City Blues?

In Fallout 4, "Diamond City Blues" is a side quest that begins when the player witnesses a confrontation between Paul Pembroke and Henry Cooke, the owner of the Colonial Taphouse in Diamond City. The conflict is over Cooke's affair with...
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Help Amelia Stockton or Side with Covenant In Human Error?

In Fallout 4, "Human Error" is a side quest that begins when the player arrives at a settlement called Covenant for the first time. Upon entering the settlement, the player is asked to help find a missing caravan that disappeared...