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Astroneer - Resin

Resin is likely the second resource that players will come across when starting a new game in Astroneer. A bright yellow resource that looks a bit like plastic tubes bunched together. The resource will spawn in a similar way to...
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Astroneer - Compound

Compound is the first resource you will need to find when you get started. You need to craft tethers and various other critical items that are used when establishing your base. Compound looks like silver/grey bubbles that are growing out...

Found a glowing black and white ball??

What am I meant to do with this large glowing ball with black and white stripes on it?

Research Chamber Is Not Working?

I have placed an item into the research chamber but it has not done anything. The machine doesn't seem to be researching anything?

How do You Make Ceramic?

How do you make ceramic in Astroneer? What resources do you need to use or where can you find it in the world?

Where Do You Find Clay?

Where do you find clay in this game? I have looked around the planet and I have no come across any yet. Where do you get it?

How Do You Drive The Tractor?

How do you make the move? I have built one and when i sit in it, i can't get it to move anywhere?

What Does a Jasper Pawn Do?

I have found an item called a Jasper pawn on the moon in Astroneer. What does this item do and how do you use it?

How Do You Open The Exo Dynamics Research Aid?

How do you unlock the exo dynamics research aid boxes that randomly appear around the world?

How Do You Salvage Debris?

What are you meant to do with all of the debris and broken machines that are sitting around the surface of the planet?