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Death Stranding

Death Stranding is the first game from Hideo Kojima's new studio Kojima productions. Since parting ways with Konami in what appeared to be a bitter riff, we have known he is working on a new project, but it was kept...
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Death Stranding Review

Score: 8/10
Death Stranding has been shrouded in mystery since we first got a glimpse of it back in 2016. Since then, several trailers have drip fed us bits and pieces that had us all desperate to know what it was all...
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Mutant Year Zero: Seed of Evil Review

Score: 8.5/10
Seed of Evil picks up where the story left off in base game of Mutant Year Zero. It is quite rare these days to see a story continue on as part of a DLC expansion rather than building an entirely...
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Fallout Name Generator

Fallout games have always allowed the player to build a character from scratch. Whether you are someone who spends hours perfecting your face only to wear a helmet for the rest of the game or you just click random and...