How do you find the place you last landed on a planet?


I am revisiting Desolo in order to gather more resources. I don’t remember where I landed the last time. When I was here before, I set up a little base with platforms and structures. I want to be able to land here again so I can make use of this. How do I see where I landed the last time?

How do you find the place you last landed on a planet

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1 Answer

GuacamoleFantastic -

You are in a bit of a jam with this one. The solution is to place a beacon at your base. This way you will see the icon when you are orbiting the planet, same with how you see your base on Sylva when you are returning home. 

If you have not done this, you will have to watch the planet as it rotates and see if you can spot anything on the map to show where you landed before. Look for gateway chambers and other things about the way the planet looks that might make you remember where it was that you landed the last time.

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