Nintendo Switch


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Syberia 3


How do you unlock the lift at the asylum with the key?

How are you meant to solve the puzzle with the squid key to unlock the elevator door at the asylum?

What are the correct lie detector answers?

What are the correct answers to the questions the doctor asks you while you are doing the lie detector test at the asylum?
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Why No Achievements For Nintendo Switch

I have often written about my feelings toward trophies and achievements. While I am most definitely a fan of them, my interest has dropped considerably over the past year or so. Even though I have broken the addiction to collecting...
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Luigi's Mansion 3 Review

Score: 8/10
When it comes to the stars of the Super Mario franchise, Luigi, is rarely given any time in the spotlight. The Luigi's Mansion franchise first launched in 2001 and has been quite popular. Unfortunately for Luigi, he has not had...

Where do you find toad with the camera?

Where do I find toad when he has lost his camera. The professor wants me to find him

How do you get last the sharks in the sewers/boiler area?

How do you get past the sharks in the boiler area of Luigi's mansion with the water

How do you get the first key in the boiler room?

How do you get to the key in the boiler room in Luigi's mansion 3

How do you damage the T-Rex without a second egg?

How do you damage the T-Rex after the second egg has gone. He won't expose himself anymore.

How do you defeat the trash can at the film studio?

How do you defeat the haunted trash can in the film studio of Luigi's mansion 3 on the Nintendo switch.