Nintendo 3DS


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Q Team 3 Way Standoff Options

When you are in the library there will be a Q team 3 way standoff where you need to input a piece of text that will determine the outcome of the standoff. There are 4 possible outcomes, all of which...
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Library / Zeros Study Walkthrough

Start by walking over to the desk in the middle of the room and look inside the drawer. You will get a key with a human figure on it. Take this key over to the safe that has a matching...
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Pod Room Walkthrough

At the far end of the room you will see a large number wheel. To the left of this there is a puzzle. Solve this puzzle and you will get a hammer. Based on the note from the ground you...
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Control Room Walkthrough

Go over to the desk and collect the circuit board that is placed on top of this. The board has 3,10 and 7 written on it. Move around the room and interact with the poster on the wall that has...
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Locker Room Walkthrough

The locker room is a small room that contains 5 showers, some lockers, and a sink. You will see from the start that there are only 2 lights in the room and one of them is turned off preventing you...
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Transporter Room Walkthrough

I found this to be one of the most difficult puzzles I have ever played in a video game. The issue with it isn't so much to do with the fact that the puzzle's clues were hard to find, it...
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Trash Disposal Room Walkthrough

This guide is a Trash Disposal Room Walkthrough for Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma. The trash disposal room is a relative small room with a large furnace that is used to destroy trash and in this case the girl who...
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Healing Room Walkthrough

The healing room is one of the more unusual puzzles as it seems as though the room was built as a puzzle rather than it being a puzzle to achieve a goal in the room. The room has a checkered...

How do you perform air tricks with Mario Kart on the 3DS
