Video Game Guides


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Easy Ways To Get Liquor

When it comes to Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money, liquor is going to be the most valuable currency that you can't get enough of...that is assuming you are not willing to spend your real-life money on overpriced trunks and "special...
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Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money Game Guide

Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money is an addictive way to waste some time. Mindless tapping to build those businesses up to achieve what? Who knows, but we all keep doing it anyway! While the game is not particularly complicated, there...
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Animal Takeover Event Guide

The latest, short event for Trailer Park Boys: Greasy Money is called Animal takeover. For those wanting to get a jump start and get to the leaderboard is quickly as possible in order to get all of those leaderboard bonuses,...
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Digging To The Center of A Planet

After spending some time exploring the starting planet in Astroneer, you will likely wonder what the limitations are. You have probably explored deep into some caves to find lots of resources and interesting stuff. How far can you go through?...
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Building A Tunnel Drilling Machine

Exploring caves below the planet's surface in Astroneer can be a lot of fun. The deeper you go, however, research rocks, Exo research boxes and resources become more of a hassle to collect due to the long walk it takes...
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Guide To Vehicles in Astroneer

Vehicles are an exciting addition to your construction capabilities in Astroneer. They provide you with the ability to explore the planet without needing to worry about tethers. On top of this, you can load them with lots of research items...
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Finding Your Base When Lost

When you set up a base in Astroneer, you will focus all of your efforts building all the structures you need and storing all of the resources you have collected. Eventually, you will need to start exploring further when you...
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Ultimate Guide To Powering Your Base

Anything you want to build in Astroneer is going to come with a power requirement. Whether it is smelting resources or crafting more advanced materials to use in your printer, you will need to make sure your base has power....
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Scrap Farming Guide

Scrap is a type of resource in Astroneer that is obtained by shredding strictures and debris. It is a unique item in that it used as a type of currency that players can exchange for various natural resources at a...
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Guide To Astroneers Gateway Engine Network

The first time you decide to explore away from your base in Astroneer, you may have spotted some smoke rising from the horizon. When you investigate further, you find this strange structure that looks completely out of place with the...