Video Game Guides


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How To Get Nidavallir Ore

Nidavallir Ore, depending on how much attention you are paying to the crafting system and going off the beaten path may be something you miss out or desperately need. The good news is that it is quite easy to find...
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How To Get Luminous Alloy

Luminous Alloy is a crafting component in God of War Ragnarok that is commonly used for crafting upgrades for shields. It is an uncommon resource and if you do not know where to get it, there is a good chance...
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How To Get Asgardian Ingots

Asgardian Ingots are going to be one of the most sought-after items for armor upgrading for a large portion of the game. They are needed for pretty much every piece of armor and there are going to be two or...
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How to Cross Bramble River Using Sigils

Shortly after you obtain the ability to use Sigils to destroy the mushroom brambles, you will come across an obstacle where you must cross the river but it is blocked by brambles on the other side. There are items in...
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How To Destroy The Fungus Brambles

You will have come across the red and blue brambles a few times by now and you have encountered a new kind. These are a red color but look like they have a kind of dried fungus growing on the...
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How To Get Boat To Durlins Office

When you reach the Inn, you will speak with a guy playing a guitar thing and after a quick chat, the quest objective will change to "Boat to Durlins Office". I found this one hard to find. The objective was...
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All Energy Doors For Groas Secret

You will visit Alfheim early on in the game and while you are there, you will need to solve several puzzles based on the reflective stone and energy barriers blocking doors. In most cases, you will need to throw the...
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How To Destroy Blue Brambles

There are a few different types of brambles in God of War Ragnarok that is going to block your way forward in some paths or sometimes prevents you from being able to interact with a chest. These brambles require different...
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How to Get Past Double Toxic Plant in Woods

As you are exploring the woods around Freyers camp, you are going to eventually come across a set of two toxic plants that need to be frozen. You only have one Leviathan Axe, so how are you meant to freeze...
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Pokemon Strength Lookup Tool

Every Pokemon is going to have one or more types. Each type has strengths and weaknesses when fighting against other Pokemon types. A common example is that a fire pokemon is weak when fighting against water. Fire Pokemon are strong...