Xbox Game Console


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Xbox Gamertag Generator

Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of Xbox, having a badass and memorable gamertag is essential to creating a standout online presence. Your gamertag is your virtual identity, representing you in the gaming community and making...

Does PSN use gamertags?

Does PlayStation network use the same kind of gamertag system that Xbox uses?
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Cross Network Play Between Xbox And Playstation Might Not Happen

Gaming News
In a recent and very surprising announcement, Microsoft announced that they would be unlocking their network to allow for cross network online gaming. This is excising news and has been something that a lot of console gamers have been dreaming...
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Xbox One Can Now Play Online With PS4

Gaming News
For years this has been something that everyone has always wanted and complained about. If you own a Playstation and your friend owns an Xbox, it is not possible for you guys to play online together. This is all about...