West of Dead
Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.
[West of Dead] - What do you need to do to get more sin as quickly as possible in West of Dead? View Answer
[West of Dead] - How do you break down the large barrier with the deer skull near the boss battle with the wendigo in west of dead? View Answer
[West of Dead] - How do I get to the weapon I bought from the witch with sin points. I see it on the pillar after the bar. View Answer
[West of Dead] - Is there a way to lower the game difficulty in West of Dead to make it a bit easier? View Answer
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West of Dead Beginners Guide
Roguelike games are generally designed to have you die a hell of a lot before you get good at the game. Sometimes they can be…
![West of Dead Box Art](/images/games/media/165200/boxart400.jpg)
West Of Dead
Descend into the dark underworld of the wild west. Stuck in purgatory you must battle through dungeons of enemies in this cover-based shooter that features some high action western inspired gun fights. This roguelike game features a permadeath system, causing your character to die times many times over as you learn the ropes.
West of Dead Beginners Guide
Roguelike games are generally designed to have you die a hell of a lot before you get good at the game. Sometimes they can be cruel enough to let you walk into a trap and die just to learn not...
West Of Dead
Descend into the dark underworld of the wild west. Stuck in purgatory you must battle through dungeons of enemies in this cover-based shooter that features some high action western inspired gun fights. This roguelike game features a permadeath system, causing...
West Of Dead Review
Score: 5/10
A wild west themed roguelike shooter has a lot of appeal on the surface. When you get a look at the visual style, this game seems like a must-play for fans of the genre. Getting stuck into a western vision...
How Do You Change The Difficulty?
Is there a way to lower the game difficulty in West of Dead to make it a bit easier?
How Do You Get Past The Barrier At The Hut?
How do you break down the large barrier with the deer skull near the boss battle with the wendigo in west of dead?
How do you Access Weapons Purchased from the Witch?
How do I get to the weapon I bought from the witch with sin points. I see it on the pillar after the bar.
How Do You Get More Sin?
What do you need to do to get more sin as quickly as possible in West of Dead?