Syberia 3
Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.
[Syberia 3] - What are the correct answers to the questions the doctor asks you while you are doing the lie detector test at the asylum? View Answer
[Syberia 3] - How are you meant to solve the puzzle with the squid key to unlock the elevator door at the asylum? View Answer
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How to get a stamped pass/letter for Valsembor
When you exist the large yokel tent and attempt to enter the town of Valsembor, the security guard at the gate will stop you and…
How to get a stamped pass/letter for Valsembor
When you exist the large yokel tent and attempt to enter the town of Valsembor, the security guard at the gate will stop you and say you need a stamped town pass in order to enter. Here is what you...
How do you unlock the lift at the asylum with the key?
How are you meant to solve the puzzle with the squid key to unlock the elevator door at the asylum?
What are the correct lie detector answers?
What are the correct answers to the questions the doctor asks you while you are doing the lie detector test at the asylum?