

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

How Do You Use Grenades With The Shotgun?
[Half-Life: Alyx] - How are you meant to shoot grenades with the Shotgun in Half-Life: Alyx? There is no additional inventory slot to equip them from. View Answer
What's an Arachnatron turret?
[Doom Eternal] - How do you destroy 25 Arachnatron turrets? What are they and how do you destroy them for shotgun mastery? View Answer

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Half-Life: Alyx Box Art

Half-Life: Alyx

Half-Life: Alyx marks the return of the highly popular Half-Life franchise. This fully VR experience puts players in the shoes of Alyx Vance as you attempt to gain control of a large weapon controlled by the Combine.
Doom Eternal Box Art

Doom Eternal

Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity. The only thing they fear... is you.


What's an Arachnatron turret?

How do you destroy 25 Arachnatron turrets? What are they and how do you destroy them for shotgun mastery?

How Do You Use Grenades With The Shotgun?

How are you meant to shoot grenades with the Shotgun in Half-Life: Alyx? There is no additional inventory slot to equip them from.