

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

What's the name of the rock song playing at the soot gig?
[RoboCop: Rogue City] - Whats the name of the rock song that is playing during the rock show in Robocop rogue city? View Answer
How do you interrogate soot?
[RoboCop: Rogue City] - how are you supposed to increase his heart rate so that you can complete the interrogation View Answer
Can't print officer Briggs photo?
[RoboCop: Rogue City] - I cant select the option to print off a picture of officer briggs on the computer View Answer
Can't find the door access code in Wendell's Trace
[RoboCop: Rogue City] - Where do you find the door access code in the lab for the Wendell's Trace quest? View Answer

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RoboCop: Rogue City Box Art

RoboCop: Rogue City

Become the iconic part man, part machine, all cop hero as you attempt to bring justice to the dangerous, crime-ridden streets of Old Detroit. Armed with your trusty Auto-9, factory-built strength, years of experience on the force and a variety of tools at your disposal, you will fight forces seeking to destroy the city you call home in an all new first-person, explosive hunt for the truth. You have the…


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Robocop: Rogue City Review

Score: 8/10
Video game adaptations of cinematic franchises often fall into the trap of being opportunistic cash-ins, with only a handful managing to leave a lasting impression—for the right reasons, that is. The RoboCop series, a cultural behemoth of the 1990s, struggled...

Can't find the door access code in Wendell's Trace

Where do you find the door access code in the lab for the Wendell's Trace quest?

Can't print officer Briggs photo?

I cant select the option to print off a picture of officer briggs on the computer

What's the name of the rock song playing at the soot gig?

Whats the name of the rock song that is playing during the rock show in Robocop rogue city?

How do you interrogate soot?

how are you supposed to increase his heart rate so that you can complete the interrogation