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Find the moonstone how to open moth door
[Hogwarts Legacy] - I have placed both moths into the mechanism but the door won't open. View Answer

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Solving Black Moth / Butterfly Picture Frames

Solving Black Moth / Butterfly Picture Frames

As you first start exploring the castle of Hogwarts, you are sure to come across these unusual picture frames that have a dark black picture…
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Hogwarts Legacy Box Art

Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is an action RPG set in the Harry Potter universe where players will take on the role of a student attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. The game is set in the late 1800s and will give players a completely new story set in a time long before Albus Dumbledore was the principal of the school. Create your own unique witch and wizards and explore the castle…


Find the moonstone how to open moth door

I have placed both moths into the mechanism but the door won't open.
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Solving Black Moth / Butterfly Picture Frames

As you first start exploring the castle of Hogwarts, you are sure to come across these unusual picture frames that have a dark black picture with a thick frame that has several butterflies or moths around them. These are moth...