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Connected Hunrath to the Heart Guide - The Glow Must Flow Speed Run
Hunrath is the first area you will visit in Obduction. It is a desert/western style level based around Arizona. There are quite a few puzzles…
Hunrath Tower Lift Telephone Dial Puzzle Solution
One of the final things you will reach while spending time in Hunrath is the telephone dial puzzle. If you have looked up guides and…
From Cyan, the indie studio that brought you Myst and Riven comes a whole new adventure that will become your world. The new worlds of Obduction reveal their secrets only as you explore, coax, and consider them. And as you bask in the otherworldly beauty and explore through the enigmatic landscapes, remember that the choices you make will have substantial consequences. This is your story now.
Connected Hunrath to the Heart Guide - The Glow Must Flow Speed Run
Hunrath is the first area you will visit in Obduction. It is a desert/western style level based around Arizona. There are quite a few puzzles in this level and in order to bring water to the tree in Hunrath you...
Hunrath Tower Lift Telephone Dial Puzzle Solution
One of the final things you will reach while spending time in Hunrath is the telephone dial puzzle. If you have looked up guides and help from others you might find that the codes that work for others, do not...