Gone Home


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Gone Home

A first-person exploratory game taking place in 1995 in which Katie, a university student back from Europe, arrives at her family's newly inherited mansion only to find nobody there, with a note from her younger sister Sam suggesting that she's left home. Katie must explore the mansion to put together the stories of where her parents have gone and why Sam has decided to leave.


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Gone Home Was NOT What I Had Expected It To Be

I was in the mood for a walking sim over the weekend and was watching some trailers on YouTube hoping to find something. I've sort of had Gone Home on my radar for a long time, but never got around...

Is gone home scary?

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Gone Home Review

Score: 7/10
The premise of Gone Home is that you arrive home from college to find that the house is empty. There is a slightly concerning letter on the door apologizing for this. You enter the house and must search the property...