Far Cry 6


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Dualsense Support In Far Cry 6 Should Be The New Standard

The Dualsense controller for the PS5 is one of the more adventurous controllers to launch with a PlayStation console. With haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, the controller offers some new ways to connect your senses to a video game. Support...
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Should Far Cry Have A Female Antagonist?

Over the past few years, Ubisoft has done an incredible job at promoting a more diverse lineup of characters. Players have had the option to choose between a male or female character in many of their games. While a gender...

Lui's Stash - How do you get to his house?

How do you get up to Luis house above the crocadile pool to get his stash?

Mongoose and the man check inside the house?

What are you supposed to look for inside the house in the mongoose and the man quest?

How do I download blood dragon in Far cry 6 season pass?

How do you download the remastered version of blood dragon that comes with the far cry 6 season pass?