How do I download blood dragon in Far cry 6 season pass?


I have the season pass of FarCry 6 that comes with the remastered version of blood dragon. How do I download it though? I searched the PlayStation store and couldn’t find anything for it. When I view the season pass in game it tells me what is included and stuff but I don’t see any other way to interact with things. How do you download blood dragon when you have the season pass purchased?

How to download blood dragon
This is all I see from the games addon menu and when I click it, it shows me blood dragon is part of it
How do I download blood dragon in Far cry 6 season pass
Far Cry 6

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1 Answer

NukeZer0 -

I’m not sure it has launched yet? As with the three DLC packs included with the season pass, I think that blood dragon will be released at a later date? 


  1. Rumors blood dragon December 2021 to February 2022

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